What we do:

Green mobility

Transport is one of the main emission sources in cities and relevant for many companies. Companies are increasingly called upon to adopt operating models and technological solutions to reduce their emissions.

It is key for companies to develop an enterprise fleet migration program and operating models that optimize mobility needs to achieve Fit-for-55 goals.

Business case: Logistics – Green fleet

Green digital

"Internet" is considered to be the fourth country behind China, the USA and India in terms of GHG emissions. Digital technologies are a significant, sometimes unperceived, source of emissions and at the same time a formidable enabler of virtuous processes of sustainable digital transformation
Strategic development of the decarbonization of the digital technology area and development of a portfolio of technological solutions enabling the sustainable transformation of business processes both internally and in terms of offerings to customers

Business case: Utility – Green IT

ESG delivery

Sustainability impacts all companies, both internally and externally. Building leadership on sustainability issues represents an opportunity to create value for a company
A pragmatic approach linked to the ambitions and vision of management in areas with the greatest environmental impact allows to extract value from sustainability and enable change

Business case: Utility – Sustainability as a strategic driver

Artificial Intelligence

Companies have an urgent need to develop digital skills in the company, but an academic approach will likely wall start of achieving this goal. It is essential to adopt a practical approach which is relevant to the everyday working life
Enterprise AI Acceleration is a distinctive approach that aims to foster internal innovation and develop internal digital skills by applying artificial intelligence to business processes. Through the creation of PoCs applied to case studies on AI-first business processes for the company, with the internal team involved with a pragmatic and result-oriented approach.

Business case: Logistics – Development of digital and AI-related competences

Industry 4.0

Firms are looking for new models of connectivity to enable the potential of Industry 4.0 applications and mitigate potential threats.

Current solutions, wifi or ethernet, are not enough, each of them presents obvious limits in application (security, latency, speed, flexibility).

Private mobile networks deliver, even today, solutions which are available to industrial plants. It isn’t necessary to wait for the 5G, you can start even today with LTE and deliver + security, + flexibility, + performance and + convenience than traditional connectivity solutions.

Business case: Automotive - Industrial Plant

Business connectivity:

The requirements for connectivity are increasing, in terms of mobility, quality, speed and safety and the services and prices are constantly evolving. Within a few years, a company can find itself with an outdated and even more expensive connectivity infrastructure, if it doesn't control it.

A fast check-up of connectivity solutions can give the company unexpected answers in terms of opportunities to improve competitiveness and reduce costs.

Business case: Public transportation - Bus

IoT connectivity

The digital revolution is opening up space for new business models, with connected people and objects.

The traditional model of providing connectivity is centered around one unique Mobile Network Operator serving all customers at the same standards and prices.

The introduction of an advanced model of connectivity, characterized by aggregators or MVNOs and the use of own SIMs, allows to reduce costs and govern the development of the services offered, avoiding at the same time typical technical lock-ins.

Business case: Automotive - Connected Car